Ahawkolypse Reflection

I think that overall the Ahawkolypse event went well. There were a few problems, but overall i think it worked well. In my group specifically we had problems with the projector. I think that we would have done a lot better if we had at least another week of rehearsal. We would have been able to iron our the last parts of our presentation


Where Im From

I am from the land of the people. Where almost anything can happen. I am from the unestablished, loud realm. I am from a place with a loud and obnoxious honk every second, and I am from a place where its also a rarity. From a place where family resides together, and from a place where family is spread apart and not connected. I am from a place with too much separation. I am from a place with Identity, and I am from a place of majority. Where rules are strict, and where rules are never followed. from a place that understands nationality, and a place just the same. From a place too fast for time, and a place going at its own time. Where food is chatpata and very tasty. Where all food is monotone and very bland. From a place with an interactive and interesting education, and a place of only lectures and self study. From a place only about good grades, and the other about finding your love. One place is as Haphazard as an ant hill. The other. thought out like a spiders web.